FEB 2022

What Is Electroplating And How Does It Work?

Electroplating is becoming one of the most popular processes in industrial and manufacturing units. It is one of the best and most useful technical processes that support combining the overall strength, abrasion, electrical conductivity as well as corrosion resistance of a particular metallic material. The layer of a metallic material formed imparts its beneficial features to the object to make it of high value and strength.

According to the experts, you can consider electroplating to be one of the most efficient processes as it makes the right use of electricity to develop a coat over the objects and make them long-lasting. The electroplating process finds application in developing a thin layer of expensive metals such as gold or silver over mundane metallic objects made from copper. Parts from providing strength, the electroplating helps in providing visual aesthetics to the metals.

There are many things that you should know about the process. So let’s get started. When you take a closer look at the processes, it will make it easy for you to understand and implement the process as per your requirements.

What Do You Mean By Electroplating?

Electroplating refers to the process that using electricity to create a deposition layer over the object. This electrical deposition is formed from another metal in order to provide strength and durability to metallic objects. Many engineers and professional technicians make use of the controlled process of electrolysis to ensure that the coating is developed with perfection for the desired materials. The electrolysis process operated the transfer of the metallic substance from anode to cathode.

How The Process Takes Place?

Electroplating Process

The chemical bath is prepared where the cathode and anode are placed strategically and have exposure to the consistent electrical charge. When the electricity is passed through the solution or chemical bath, the positive and negative ions find their paths. The negatively charged ions called the anions will be transferred to the anode and the positively charged ions will stick to the cathode.

Through the process of electroplating, the metallic substance develops a thin layer of protective coating. The thin layer of coat is usually formed by the metals – copper or nickel. The underlying material used for developing the coat is usually a good conductor of electricity.
The bond between two metals is developed with the help of the autocatalytic layer. It develops before the thin metal layer starts forming on the objects.

What Are The Different Metals That Can Be Used For Electroplating The Materials?

While electroplating, you can use a single metal or multiple metals to develop a protective deposition on the object. There are many metals that are popularly used for electroplating. We have given the list of such metals that are generally used in the process of electroplating. These metals help in enhancing the conductivity and improving the strength of the metal objects.

Moreover, you would observe that the metals have become durable and resistant to corrosion.

  • Brass
  • Cadmium
  • Chromium
  • Copper
  • Gold
  • Iron
  • Nickel
  • Silver
  • Titanium
  • Zinc

What Are The Advantages Of Employing the Electroplating Process?

Electroplating in Dubai

Many industrialists and manufacturers are looking forward to making use of the electroplating process because they have multiple benefits which can be used to grow the business.

#1 You can use the electroplating process for metallic objects to enhance the electrical conductivity of the objects, their overall strength, durability, and service life. You would find many engineers, artists as well as manufacturers implementing the process for capitalizing their business revenue.

#2 Electroplating process is best for objects that have a minute and complex design structure. When you employ any other process, the corners of the design are unable to reach, so a layer is not formed over those parts or areas. It will also help in increasing the tensile strength of the metallic objects, protect them from the exposure of UV rays, and even resistance to the corrosive process.

#3 Electroplating process is even used by a wide range of artists. They are using it to prevent the decomposition of natural elements such as tree barks, leaves, and even roots. It is a great way of preserving the natural substance present in such elements, as they can be used for studying in the future. With the electroplating process, you can increase the durability of the substances.


For those looking for grade-A electroplating services, Noble Metal is the trusted name. With vast industry experience and the best in technology, Noble metal provides superior services when it comes to electroplating.

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