SEP 2021

Things You Should Do While Sandblasting

Sandblasting process is highly technical and risk-taking work. It involves a lot of procedural care, such as proper equipment, professional guidance, proper space for performing sandblasting. Most importantly, you will be requiring the safety gears while you are at work in the sandblasting process. But most often, people start working on the sandblasting process on their own without any proper guidance just by looking at some DIY solutions. But the DIY work should never be followed. Here are some of the most important things that you should do while sandblasting.

#1 You Should Have Your Safety Gears On While Sandblasting:

sandblasting safety

When you have to deal with advanced and powerful equipment, it should be noted that you must always prioritize your safety. You must wear all the safety gear equipment, such as gloves, face mask, eye guard, and body safety gear that will keep you safe while carrying out sandblasting. The workers performing the sandblasting activity must understand the importance of the safety gear because they will have to work with the high-velocity abrasive material that may cause significant injury to their bodies if they are not keeping themselves at a safe distance. Moreover, you must ensure that you are keeping a safe distance from the sandblasting process while it is ongoing.

#2 You Must Always Use The Right Blaster:

You might be aware that sandblasters have multiple functionalities and are versatile tools. They are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, which is the deciding factor of their capabilities. When you are working with a powerful sandblaster, you should always maintain a safe distance from the object so that no accident takes place. Moreover, you must make sure that you use a specific type of blaster for a specific object. Only then you will be able to get the desired results. So, while sandblasting, make sure you are making use of the right sandblaster. It is quite essential to find the right model of the sandblaster that is just right for you as well as for the project.

#3 You Should Never Make Use Of The Silica Sand For Blasting:

silica sand blasting

When you are carrying out abrasive sandblasting, it is always advised not to make use of silica sand for the process. This is because, during the process, the silica leads transform itself into a fatal particle called silicosis, which is harmful to humans as well as the environment. So always avoid silica sand. You can embrace different alternatives that are not harmful for the use and even for the environment. For instance, you can use Black Beauty Coal Slag, Starblast, Green Diamond Sand.

#4 You Must Choose The Right Hose:

When you are working with the right hose, you will be able to prevent blaster fatigue and get the best result from the blast hose. In the market, there are several types of blast hoses available. You need to choose the one that is suitable for your project. The factors based on which you will be able to make this choice are its static dissipating, weight, flexibility, and durability.

#5 While Sandblasting Make Use Of Right Blasting Medium:

You might be aware that there are multiple types of blasting medium, and you require different blasting mediums for different projects. There are soft blasting mediums as well as hard blasting mediums. To clean the metallic surfaces, you would require a hard blasting medium, whereas, for softer surfaces, you will be needing a soft blasting medium. Thus, you should ensure that you are making use of the right blasting medium. If you make use of the wrong blasting material, it will either not have the desired effect or might cause damage to the surfaces.

#6 While Sandblasting, Recollect The Blasting Medium: 

Sandblasting is an efficient process in which you can make use of the same blasting medium repeatedly. Usually, the technicians make use of the advanced blasting tools that have an inbuilt, blasting cabinet that collects the excessive blasting medium so that it can be reused. But if you are not making use of an advanced tool, then you must remember to collect the blasting medium. One of the most effective ways of collecting the blasting medium is to cover the entire working area with a tarp and then collect the medium once the work is completed.


Sandblasting is considered quite effective and efficient, but only when you are working it out in a proper way. The points detailed above must be considered while sandblasting.

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