OCT 2023

How To Prevent Corrosion Of Gold-Plated Contacts or Terminals?

Gold plating is a popular method for enhancing electrical contacts and terminals’ conductivity and corrosion resistance. However, even gold-plated surfaces can corrode over time if not properly maintained. Corrosion not only hinders the flow of electrical current but also compromises the reliability and longevity of electronic devices. To ensure the continued effectiveness of gold-plated contacts, it’s essential to implement preventive measures. Here are some key steps to prevent corrosion and extend the lifespan of gold-plated contacts or terminals.

1. Choose High-Quality Gold Plating

Choose High-Quality Gold Plating

Start by ensuring that the gold plating used is of high quality. High-quality gold plating is characterized by a uniform and thick layer of gold, typically 2.5 microns or more. This thickness provides better protection against corrosion. Additionally, reputable and experienced professionals or manufacturers should carry out the plating process.

2. Avoid Abrasive Cleaning Methods

Avoid Abrasive Cleaning Methods

When cleaning gold-plated contacts, avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals. These can scratch or wear down the gold plating, making it more susceptible to corrosion. Instead, use soft materials like microfiber cloths, cotton swabs, and mild cleaning solutions.

3. Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning is crucial for preventing corrosion. Use a gentle cleaning solution, such as warm water and mild dish soap. Dip a soft cloth or cotton swab into the solution and gently clean the gold-plated surface. Ensure you rinse any residue thoroughly and allow the contacts to dry entirely before reconnecting them.

4. Dry and Store Properly

After cleaning, it’s important to ensure the contacts are completely dry before reassembling or storing them. Moisture can accelerate the corrosion process. Additionally, it stores electronic devices in a controlled environment with stable humidity levels to further prevent moisture-related corrosion.

5. Avoid Exposure to Harsh Environments

Gold-plated contacts should be shielded from harsh environmental conditions whenever possible. This includes exposure to chemicals, saltwater, extreme temperatures, and high humidity. If the device is used in a challenging environment, consider using protective covers or enclosures to shield the contacts.

6. Apply a Protective Coating

A protective coating, such as a conformal or specialized corrosion inhibitor, can be applied to the gold-plated contacts. This extra layer acts as a barrier against moisture and contaminants, providing additional protection against corrosion.

7. Inspect Regularly

Regular visual inspections of the gold-plated contacts are essential. Look for signs of discoloration, pitting, or any other abnormalities on the surface. Early corrosion detection allows for prompt action, which can prevent further damage.

8. Replace When Necessary

Over time, even high-quality gold plating can wear down due to extended use. When signs of wear or corrosion become noticeable, consider having the contacts replaced. This process involves stripping off the old plating and applying a fresh layer of gold to restore its protective qualities.

9. Seek Professional Assistance

If you need clarification on any aspect of maintaining or preventing corrosion on gold-plated contacts, it’s advisable to seek professional advice. Experienced technicians or engineers can provide specific recommendations based on the type of contacts and the environment in which they’re used.

10. Use Dehumidifiers in Storage Areas

Consider using dehumidifiers in storage areas in environments with high humidity levels to maintain optimal conditions for electronic devices. This helps reduce the risk of moisture-related corrosion.

11. Apply Anti-Corrosion Grease or Compound

Applying a thin layer of anti-corrosion grease or compound to gold-plated contacts can provide extra protection. These specialized compounds are designed to inhibit the formation of corrosion and provide a barrier against environmental factors.

12. Implement Proper Sealing Techniques

Ensure the contacts are appropriately sealed within the device or enclosure for outdoor or rugged applications. Effective sealing prevents moisture, dust, and other contaminants from reaching the gold-plated surface.

13. Avoid Overloading Contacts

Overloading contacts with excessive electrical current can generate heat, which may accelerate corrosion. Ensure the contacts are appropriately rated for the electrical load they will carry.

14. Utilize Contact Enhancers

Contact enhancers are specially formulated solutions that can improve electrical conductivity and reduce the risk of corrosion. These products are applied to the contacts to create a protective barrier and maintain optimal electrical performance.

15. Consider Alternative Materials

In environments where gold plating may not be the most suitable option, consider using alternative materials such as silver or palladium. These metals also offer good conductivity and corrosion resistance and may be better suited for specific applications.

16. Label and Document Contacts

Maintain a detailed record of the gold-plated contacts, including installation dates and any maintenance performed. Proper documentation helps track the lifespan of contacts and allows for timely replacement when necessary.

17. Implement Proper Handling Procedures

Handle gold-plated contacts with care to avoid physical damage. Avoid touching the plated surface directly, and use clean gloves or tools designed for electronic components.

18. Perform Periodic Electrical Testing

Regularly test the electrical conductivity of the contacts to ensure they are functioning as intended. This helps identify any early signs of degradation or corrosion.

19. Consider Environmentally Controlled Enclosures

Consider using environmentally controlled enclosures with regulated temperature and humidity levels in critical applications. This provides an added layer of protection against corrosion and extends the lifespan of the contacts.

20. Stay Informed About New Technologies

Stay updated with advancements in materials science and plating technologies. Newer coatings and treatments may offer even better corrosion resistance, potentially providing more effective solutions for your application.

In conclusion, preventing corrosion of gold-plated contacts or terminals requires regular maintenance, proper handling, and protective measures. By following these steps, you can significantly extend the lifespan and reliability of electronic devices, ensuring they continue to function optimally for years to come.

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